One strategy that insurance companies use to get you to settle for less is delay. Most people do not have enough savings to recover after an injury where they can’t work. By dragging their feet, your financial pressure could force you to settle too soon. Filing a complaint can help, but there’s more you can do.
We make sure that doesn’t happen. We offer residents of Winston-Salem lawsuit loans that can help them get the upper hand. By borrowing against your future settlement, you can defuse this pressure tactic and give your lawyer enough time to build a defense.
Building a Strong Defense Matters
It can be more challenging to get lawsuit loans for your claim in Winston-Salem due to North Carolina’s antiquated fault laws. In this state, if you are even a tiny bit responsible for your accident, you can be completely denied any compensation. It’s vital to give your lawyer time to build their argument, which is precisely how legal funding can help you.
Therefore, we must speak with your lawyer if you approach them for a lawsuit loan in Winston-Salem. Having a lawyer on your side not only protects you, but it gives us someone knowledgeable about your case and its chances. And if you win your case, we will work with your lawyer to get our advance back plus interest.
Our Lawsuit Loans Are Non-Recourse
Our lawsuit loans in Winston-Salem aren’t like traditional loans. They are advances on your future settlement. We offer non-recourse loans, which means that if your settlement fails, you do not have to pay us back. Since the chances of that are much higher in a pure contributory negligence state, we must do our due diligence.
This means you do not have to worry about monthly payments or creditor calls from us. Nor do we have to ask you any embarrassing financial questions or check your credit. Instead, we use our experience as a lawsuit loan lender and your lawyer’s skill and knowledge of your case to determine how much you’re eligible for and what your interest rate might be.
We Only Charge Simple Interest on Our Lawsuit Loans
One thing that sets us apart from other lawsuit loan lenders is that we only charge simple interest with low rates, not compound interest. With simple interest, we only charge interest one time over the course of the loan.
As an example, if you get an advance of $3000 with 10% interest, your settlement would pay us back $3300 no matter how long your case takes to resolve. Simple interest makes it simple to understand how much you’ll have to pay us if you win.
What Cases Do We Fund in Winston-Salem?
There are many tort cases where you could receive financial compensation. Any case like this could be eligible for one of our lawsuit loans, but most of our clients are victims of personal injury accidents. Other cases we fund include:
- Labor law violations
- Whistleblower cases
- Employment disputes
- Commercial litigation
- Civil rights violations
This list is not exhaustive. And if you have some other type of case in Winston-Salem or questions about your case qualifying, we are happy to answer.
Get a Lawsuit Loan in Winston-Salem Today
The simple way to find out if we can fund your case is with a call to our offices. Or you can fill out the online contact form or click the Apply now button. After a few simple questions, we’ll reach out to your lawyer for more details.
If approved, we can have a lawsuit loan in Winston-Salem ready for you in as little as 24 hours. If you’re watching your savings dwindle away while you’re healing, stop the bleeding. Contact Tribeca ASAP and see if we can help you.