Lawsuits take more time to resolve than you think. A lot of things must happen to get your day in court. Can you afford to wait until then, or will you run out of money? If you live in Syracuse, Tribeca can help you access money early so you can see your case through to the end.
We offer lawsuit loans in New York and elsewhere in the nation. A lawsuit loan is a cash advance against your future settlement. Like your lawyer, if you don’t win your case, you don’t have to pay us back!
The Legality of Lawsuit Loans in Syracuse
When people hear about lawsuit loans, they sometimes wonder if they’re too good to be true. It is a newer form of financing a lawsuit, so that’s not a surprise. Lawsuit loans are legal in New York State and are an important tool for people going through lawsuits.
What sets Tribeca apart from other lenders is our high level of ethics. There are lenders who charge interest rates that are far too high, use compound interest, or use hidden fees to take more money out of your settlement than you expect.
Tribeca only charges simple interest on all loans and we have a free application process. Check out our rates page for more information. We also follow state rules on lending disclosures and follow industry guidelines on ethical lending. We welcome your questions about the lawsuit loan process.
Can I Get Pre-Settlement Funding in Syracuse?
Syracuse pre-settlement funding is a more accurate name for a lawsuit loan. It’s more like a cash advance on your future settlement. In order to qualify for funding, you must have a lawsuit or insurance claim in progress as collateral.
Our lawsuit loans are non-recourse loans. This means that your settlement is the only collateral we can use to collect our loan back. We take time to examine every case for its value and likelihood of success before we make a loan offer. If your case is strong, you can get up to $1 million!
To help us decide, we also need to speak with your lawyer. They will know your case and its legal chances better than anyone. Many lawyers are using pre-settlement financiers like Tribeca to help their clients’ lawsuits reach a successful outcome.
How Legal Funding in Syracuse Protects Plaintiffs
Most civil lawsuits are against an insurer or some company with a lot of money. They have the time and the wealth to drag a case out for a long time. You, however, probably don’t have that kind of money.
If they can run you out of money, they can force you to take a lower settlement or drop your case entirely. Syracuse legal funding protects you from this strategy. The money you get from us can pay for bills, living expenses, lost wages, and anything else causing financial pressure.
After you win your case, we take the amount you borrowed plus interest out of your final settlement amount. Before you give up on your case because of your financial situation, speak with Tribeca about the possibility of a Syracuse lawsuit loan.
Fill Out a FREE Application to See if You’re Eligible
It’s simple to find out if you qualify for a lawsuit loan in Syracuse. You can call us at the number at the top of the page or click the Apply Now link. We will ask you some questions about your case and ask permission to speak with your lawyer. Your application is free!
Once we get the information we need, we can make you a loan offer anywhere from $500 to $1 million. After acceptance, we can have the money in your account in 24 hours in most cases.