A lawsuit loan is a cash advance on a settlement that hasn’t finished yet. It’s a type of non-recourse financing that lets plaintiffs get the money they need to cover their bills, pay for extra care, and continue with their lives while they wait.
Residents of Texas, including the City of Mesquite, can get these loans through Tribeca Lawsuit Loans. We offer pre-settlement funding to people all over the nation. Just answer a few simple questions and you could have money in as little as 24 hours after approval.
Mesquite Legal Funding and the Law
Lawsuit loans are a relatively new kind of financing and not many people know about it. These loans are legal under Mesquite and Texas law, though it’s incorrect to call them a loan. We prefer the term pre-settlement funding.
Put in layperson’s terms, we give you part of your settlement now after approval. When your case finishes and your lawyer gets the check, we get paid back plus simple interest. Your lawyer takes out any remaining fees and deposits the rest into your bank account.
Since we are a nationwide company, we take great care to make our contracts clear and easy to understand by matching the strictest state laws on lending. You’ll see how much Mesquite pre-settlement funding you can get, how much you’ll pay us back, and the rate. There is no obligation to take a loan from us if you change your mind after hearing the offer.
How Do I Become Eligible for a Lawsuit Loan in Mesquite?
The two essential steps you need to become eligible for one of our loans is to have a lawsuit in progress and a lawyer working on your case. Since we get paid back only through your settlement, we cannot offer financing unless you have a lawsuit or claim in progress.
We also require a lawyer because it gives insurance that you’ll win your case. It also gives us an opportunity to get an inside look at your case, its value, and a legal expert’s opinion on your chances.
We use this information to decide how much money we can offer and what your simple interest rate will be. For more information about how we charge interest, read through our rates. Please know that not all cases will qualify even if you have a lawyer.
Are There Spending Restrictions on Legal Funding in Mesquite?
Absolutely not! It is treated the same as any other money you’d receive from a settlement. Most of our borrowers use pre-settlement funding in Mesquite to keep creditors off their back and pay for living expenses while they wait for their larger check.
If your daily expenses are taken care of and you just want some spending money early from your settlement, you can use it for that as well. Take that vacation, or maybe put a down payment on a new vehicle?
You also don’t have to worry about taxes unless you decide to invest your lawsuit loan money. If you plan on investing it, please speak with a CPA about any capital gains tax you might have to pay.
Fill Out Our Free Mesquite Lawsuit Loan Application Today
Our application process is free and is just a few questions. To start, click the Apply Now button at the top of the screen, or call the number up there. Once we get your basic information, we will contact your lawyer for details.
After we’ve heard from them and studied all the data, we will let you know if you’re approved and for how much. Once you agree, you’ll have the money in your account quickly, maybe as little as 24 hours. Larger amounts may take longer. Tribeca can offer you loans up to $1 million depending on your case.