Pre-settlement funding or lawsuit loan does not typically impact your attorney’s fees. When you obtain a cash advance from a funding company like Tribeca Lawsuit Loans, your attorney’s fees remain based on the agreed terms or a percentage of the settlement amount.
How Pre-Settlement Funding Affects Your Attorney’s Fees
One critical aspect of pre-settlement funding, also known as lawsuit funding is how it impacts your attorney’s fees. Unlike traditional loans, lawsuit settlement loans are non-recourse, meaning you only repay the advance if you win your case.
Consequently, the funding company assumes the risk of losing the investment if your case is unsuccessful.
Typically, your attorney’s fees remain unaffected by lawsuit funding. Irrespective of whether you receive financing, your attorney is still entitled to the agreed-upon fees for defending you.
The funding company is only concerned with the repayment of the cash advance, not your attorney’s compensation.