Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Loans

Plaintiffs in sexual abuse lawsuits deserve as much compensation as possible, but the legal process takes ages. You may be waiting for the settlement you deserve for months or years. Legal funding helps victims of sexual abuse access their future settlements to cover their current expenses instead of having to wait for a future compensation package. In fact, sexual abuse lawsuit loans can actually help you to win a larger settlement!

How Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Loans Can Get You a Better Settlement

The legal system is notoriously slow. Even an “open and shut” case can take months or even years to make its way to a settlement or jury verdict. Worse, insurance companies and defense attorneys deliberately make the case drag out longer, hoping to leverage your financial hardship against you. Such tactics can force you to accept a smaller settlement now rather than continuing to fight for the full compensation to which you are entitled.

Thankfully, there’s a way around this. With a sexual abuse lawsuit loan, you can use the money from your eventual settlement to pay today’s bills while your attorney continues working for the best settlement possible. In addition, because Tribeca is invested in the successful outcome of your case, we may provide your legal team with the funding needed to strengthen your case. This funding covers expert witnesses and other expensive litigation tools that can build a stronger case.

Whether you need a sexual abuse settlement or a foster care child abuse loan, our team at Tribeca wants to help you get justice.

How Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Loans Work

Legal funding is a safe, no-risk way to get money in the here-and-now while you wait for your attorney to negotiate a fair settlement (or for your case to proceed to trial). It’s a non-recourse loan, which means:

  • Your income, personal property, and assets are never at risk.
  • Your future settlement is the loan’s collateral and the sole source of money for repaying the loan
  • The most we can take as repayment is the collateral (i.e., the agreed-upon portion of your settlement package).
  • You are NOT personally liable for repayment (so we don’t touch your personal finances).
  •  If you lose your case, you will not repay a dime.

Because we have no recourse to access your own money for any reason, our legal funding application asks for no personal financial information. There is:

  • NO credit check
  • NO income verification
  • NO employment verification
  • NO asset evaluation

Again, your future settlement is the only possible source of money to repay the sexual abuse lawsuit loan. So, we do ask for the following information:

  • Contact information for you and your attorney
  • Which state you live in
  • How much funding you require

We require that our clients work with an attorney to pursue their lawsuit settlement or verdicts. Studies show that plaintiffs represented by an attorney consistently win significantly larger settlements and jury awards. We will work closely with your attorney as your legal team fights for your just compensation.

Is There Interest on Sexual Abuse Settlement Funding?

Many businesses offer legal funding, but it generally is not interest- or risk-free. However, Tribeca Lawsuit Loans charges a simple, non-compounding interest rate rather than a compound interest rate. This means the interest is applied to the original loan amount each month rather than the accumulated interest.

This low, simple interest rate gives clients involved in lengthy settlement negotiations, such as those who took out Sexual Abuse pre-settlement funding, a chance to walk away with much of their award. When seeking a sexual abuse settlement funding, always insist on a non-compounding interest rate, and avoid upfront fees as well as “fixed fee” loans that can eat right through your sexual abuse settlement.

Our Maximum Funding Amount

The exact amount we can provide you with for your sexual abuse lawsuit loan depends on several factors, including:

  • Your expected compensation or settlement
  • How long your lawsuit is expected to last
  • The strength of your case and the likelihood of you receiving compensation
  • The potential monetary value of your damages

Until we review your application and speak with your attorney, we can’t say how much money you are eligible for. However, our underwriters have approved anywhere from $500 to $2 million in pre-settlement funding in the past.

Sexual abuse lawsuits can have tremendously varied compensation amounts, so it’s necessary to analyze your case when determining how much money we can provide you with.

How to Repay Your Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Loan

One of the best parts about legal funding is that you don’t have to worry about repayment. At the conclusion of your case, your attorney will receive a check for the settlement or jury award amount. They’ll write Tribeca a check for repayment, take out their attorney’s fees, and you get the rest.

What About the Criminal Case?

Many sexual abuse cases also involve criminal charges. Your lawyer can tell you when the best time is to start your civil case. Sometimes it’s before your criminal case, and sometimes it’s after. There are good reasons for each approach.

Tribeca will be glad to help your sexual abuse lawsuit once your lawyer has started the civil case. If you are facing financial difficulty now, you may be able to ask them about starting their case so you can get legal funding.

It’s in your lawyer’s best interest to achieve as much compensation as possible for you. A larger settlement puts more money in your attorney’s pocket. More importantly, it punishes your abuser and helps you get the help you need to rebuild your life. Don’t let financial pain or the defense’s legal strategy prevent you from completing your case and getting the just decision you deserve.

Get Legal Funding for Your Sexual Abuse Lawsuit Today

Visit our Apply Now page to provide us with information about your case and see whether you are eligible for pre-settlement funding. Tribeca has a 94% case acceptance rate, so the odds are good that we can help you cover your expenses while you continue your fight for justice. If you prefer, please call (866) 388-2288 to speak with a friendly, compassionate team member.

The money you need may be in your bank account in just 24 hours after your sexual abuse lawsuit loan is approved!

Sexual Abuse Lawsuits – Frequently Asked Questions

What is a sexual abuse lawsuit?

Sexual abuse is a crime that can be prosecuted in court or become the basis of a civil suit. Even if the perpetrator goes to jail, victims of sexual abuse can suffer the effects for a lifetime. A sexual abuse lawsuit cannot undo the harm done. However, litigation can provide monetary compensation for damages that can pay for medical care, counseling, and other means to help you to heal. And there are other potential benefits.
A sexual abuse lawsuit can be the driving force behind essential changes, making it harder for abuse to happen in the future. And, crucially, there are proven therapeutic benefits for survivors when they use the legal system to stand up to their abusers.

How long does a sexual abuse lawsuit take to settle?

Unfortunately, sexual abuse lawsuits often take years to settle. Typically, the perpetrator, their defense attorney, and even their insurance company will deliberately drag out negotiations. This is done specifically to pressure the victim to settle for a mere fraction of the genuine value of their case. All too often, this is a winning strategy when the victim is facing financial hardship. This is where a sexual abuse lawsuit loan can be a lifeline.

What is a sexual abuse lawsuit loan?

A sexual abuse lawsuit loan acts like a cash advance on your future compensation. If you have filed a sexual abuse lawsuit, it is easy to qualify for legal funding. The lawsuit loan gives you access to your future settlement so you can pay bills and meet your needs while your attorney continues to fight for the best compensation possible.

What compensation is available in a sexual abuse lawsuit?

If you file a sexual abuse lawsuit, you may receive two types of compensation: compensatory and punitive. Compensatory damages reimburse you for expenses you have incurred as a result of the abuse, like medical bills, lost wages, and counseling. Punitive damages are intended to punish the perpetrator, and the punishment comes in the form of money. Punitive damages are assessed and paid separately from compensatory damages.

Do I have to file criminal charges before a sexual abuse lawsuit?

No. You do not have to file criminal charges or have the perpetrator convicted before you can file a sexual abuse lawsuit. Most states do not require that you file charges or even report the abuse to the police to file a civil suit. In many cases, victims of sexual abuse are afraid to report the crime to law enforcement or may even choose to keep it out of criminal court. You can still seek compensation for your ordeal, and you can still qualify for a sexual abuse lawsuit loan without reporting to the police.

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Still Have Questions?

Call us toll-free at 866-388-2288 to speak with a friendly lawsuit funding specialist today.

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