If you’ve been injured in a slip-and-fall accident, you might still be waiting on a long, drawn-out lawsuit process to conclude. Usually, companies in premises liability claims have the resources to stall proceedings. Meanwhile, your bills pile up. Legal funding from Tribeca Lawsuit Loans can help you meet today’s expenses while waiting for tomorrow’s compensation package.
Fill out the FREE application form today on our Apply Now page to get started, or call our office using the number at the top of your screen. In as little as 24 hours after approval, you can have up to $1,000,000 in your bank account.
How Much Is Your Slip-and-Fall Lawsuit Loan Worth?
Each case is unique, and so is the amount of pre-settlement funding we provide. The money you are approved for depends on factors like:
- The value of your damages
- Your expected settlement or compensation amount
- How long your lawsuit is expected to last
For example, someone who broke their leg in a slip-and-fall accident is likely to earn more in compensation than someone who came away with more minor injuries like a severe
In the past, we have been able to approve anywhere from $500 to $1 million for clients in need, depending on the facts of their cases. Our underwriting team will examine your application and discuss any additional details with your attorney to determine how much we can offer you.
Types of Slip-and-Fall Cases that Qualify for Legal Funding
As long as you are the plaintiff, or the injured party, in a slip-and-fall accident claim, you probably qualify for lawsuit loans. We can help fund cases like:
- Slipping on unmarked wet floors in a grocery store
- Falls related to poor parking lot maintenance
- Injuries due to cluttered walkways or aisles in retail outlets
- Uncleared walkways with snow or ice
Any of these accidents can cause long-term injury. You could face expensive medical bills or have to take disability. The civil court system lets you sue, but you need money right away. That’s where Tribeca helps with our slip-and-fall accident loans.
Can You Apply for More Slip-and-Fall Accident Legal Funding?
Yes! In some cases, the original estimate of your damages, compensation package, or lawsuit’s duration may be off. The store or company on whose premises you were injured may fight extra hard and prolong settlement negotiations. We may be able to restructure your lawsuit loan or provide you with a second cash advance in these circumstances.
All you have to do is contact a representative or fill out a new application for your additional pre-settlement funding request. From there, we’ll evaluate the situation and let you know whether we can provide you with more.
What You Can Spend Your Slip-and-Fall Accident Pre-Settlement Funding On
Unlike other forms of funding, like medical funding, there are no restrictions on how you spend your lawsuit loan. It is a cash advance that can be used on any expenses, including:
- Legal fees
- Medical bills
- Rent or mortgage payments
- Daily costs like food and transportation
Even better, legal funding is tied to your compensation package, so it usually is not taxed! If you are unsure, please speak with a qualified accountant about your situation. It is normally only a problem if you invest your loan money and get capital gains later.
Legal Funding for Slip-and-Fall Accidents Is Safe
We provide non-recourse, no-risk cash advances to our clients. What does that mean? It means:
- You are NOT personally liable for the debt.
- Your personal finances are NEVER a source of repayment.
- You pay only the agreed-upon portion of your settlement.
- You don’t pay us back at all if you lose your lawsuit!
As the lender, we take on all the risk in this arrangement. That’s part of our commitment to you. You’re already suffering enough because of your slip-and-fall accident. Should you lose your case, why should we add further trouble to your life?
Should I Get a Lawyer Before I Apply for a Slip-and-Fall Lawsuit Loan?
Yes! A lawyer can do many things for your case that you would have to do yourself if you wanted compensation. Insurers know that if you get a lawyer, you’re serious about your slip-and-fall claim. They might even raise their settlement amount substantially!
Tribeca also requires all borrowers to have a lawyer working on their slip-and-fall case before extending financial assistance. Your lawyer has vital information we need in order to see if your case qualifies for funding and for how much.
By having a lawyer, you can ensure you get the most compensation out of your slip-and-fall accident. You’ll also receive guidance on what to do to avoid jeopardizing your case, and you won’t have to worry about negotiating with the other side. They’ll handle that for you.
Apply for Legal Funding for Your Slip-and-Fall Case for FREE Today
Fill out the form on our Apply Now page to start your journey toward the money you need. You can have the money in as little as 24 hours following approval of your application.
If you have any questions or concerns about lawsuit lending, please contact us and speak with a team-friendly team member.