Car Accidents

In a Multi-Car Collision, Who Can Be Legally Held Liable?

Multi-car collisions, also known as chain-reaction accidents, can be some of the most complex and devastating crashes on the road. Factors such as the sequence of events, driver negligence, and varying levels of fault can complicate the legal proceedings.

Determining who’s responsible in these situations is often a challenging task, as multiple drivers and vehicles are involved, each potentially bearing some responsibility for the incident.

Understanding how fault is allocated and what steps to take after a multi-car collision is crucial for anyone seeking compensation for their injuries and damages.

Determining Liability in a Multi-Car Collision

In multi-car collisions, the process of determining liability can be intricate and time-consuming, as multiple parties and insurance companies are involved.

Factors That Influence Liability

Several key factors come into play when determining liability in a multi-car collision. The order of impacts and collisions is often the most significant, as the driver who initiated the first collision may bear the majority of the responsibility. However, the actions and negligence of each driver involved must also be considered.

Road conditions and weather at the time of the accident can also influence liability. For example, if a driver was traveling too fast for the icy conditions, they may be held more accountable than if the roads were clear and dry. Additionally, properly functioning vehicle equipment, such as brakes and lights, can play a role in determining fault.

The Role of Accident Reconstruction Experts

In complex multi-car collisions, accident reconstruction experts are often called upon to help determine liability. These professionals analyze physical evidence from the accident scene, such as skid marks, vehicle damage, and debris patterns, to piece together the sequence of events.

Using forensic techniques and specialized software, accident reconstruction experts can create detailed simulations of the crash, which can be invaluable in establishing fault. Their expert testimony can be crucial in supporting your case and ensuring that liability is appropriately assigned.

Comparative Negligence and Shared Liability

When multiple parties are involved in an accident, the concept of comparative negligence and shared liability come into play, adding a layer of complexity to the legal proceedings.

As a trusted lawsuit loan company, we understand the intricacies of these legal principles and how they can impact your ability to secure the compensation you deserve.

Understanding Comparative Negligence

Comparative negligence is a legal concept that comes into play when multiple parties share responsibility for an accident. Under this principle, fault is allocated among the involved parties based on their percentage of contribution to the incident.

For example, if you are found to be 30% at fault for a multi-car collision, you may still be entitled to recover 70% of your damages from the other liable parties. It’s important to note that the specifics of comparative negligence laws vary by state, so it’s essential to consult with an experienced attorney who can guide you through the process.

Pursuing Compensation When Partially at Fault

Even if you believe you may have contributed to the accident, you still have the right to seek damages for your injuries and losses. However, it’s crucial to work with a skilled attorney who can help you navigate the complexities of shared liability and maximize your compensation.

In our experience, many clients initially believe they are more at fault than they actually are. A thorough investigation by an experienced legal team can often uncover evidence that shifts liability more heavily onto the other involved parties, increasing your potential settlement or award.

The Importance of Legal Representation

The importance of legal representation cannot be overstated, particularly in cases involving multi-car collisions, comparative negligence, and shared liability. These complex legal concepts require a deep understanding of the law and the ability to build a strong case on your behalf.

An experienced attorney will have the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to investigate your accident, gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent your interests in court, if necessary.

Navigating the Complexities of Multi-Car Accident Claims

Multi-car accident claims can be incredibly complex, involving multiple insurance companies, adjusters, and legal teams. Attempting to navigate this process on your own can be overwhelming and may result in a less favorable outcome.

Retaining an experienced attorney who specializes in multi-car collisions can make all the difference in your case. Your lawyer will coordinate with accident reconstruction experts and investigators, gather evidence to support your claim, and negotiate with the various insurance companies on your behalf.

Ensuring Fair Compensation for Your Injuries and Damages

A skilled attorney will also work to ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries and damages. They will accurately assess the value of your claim, taking into account factors such as medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and long-term impacts on your quality of life.

Your lawyer will advocate for your rights throughout the legal process, whether through settlement negotiations or, if necessary, by taking your case to trial. By having a dedicated legal team on your side, you can focus on your recovery while they handle the legal complexities of your case.

Key Takeaways and Next Steps

Multi-car collisions can be extremely challenging when it comes to determining liability and pursuing compensation. Understanding the role of comparative negligence and the importance of retaining experienced legal representation is crucial for anyone involved in a chain-reaction accident.

If you’ve been injured in a multi-car collision, your next steps should include seeking medical attention, gathering evidence from the scene (if possible), and contacting a reputable attorney who specializes in these types of cases. Remember, time is of the essence, as critical evidence and witness memories can fade quickly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I can’t afford an attorney for my multi-car collision case?

Many personal injury attorneys work on a contingency basis, meaning they only get paid if they successfully recover compensation for you. This allows you to access quality legal representation without upfront costs.

How long do I have to file a claim after a multi-car collision?

The statute of limitations for filing personal injury claims varies by state. It’s crucial to consult with an attorney as soon as possible to ensure you don’t miss any important deadlines.

What if the at-fault driver doesn’t have insurance?

If the at-fault driver is uninsured or underinsured, you may still be able to recover compensation through your own uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage. An experienced attorney can help you explore all available options.

Can I still pursue compensation if my injuries don’t seem severe at first?

Yes! Some injuries, such as whiplash or traumatic brain injuries, may not present symptoms immediately. It’s essential to seek medical attention and consult with an attorney even if you initially feel fine, as delaying treatment can harm your health and your legal case.

If you need financial assistance to help cover expenses while your multi-car collision case is pending, our loan representatives at Tribeca Lawsuit Loans can help. We offer lawsuit loans to help plaintiffs make ends meet while pursuing the compensation they deserve. Call 866-388-2288 to learn more about how we can help you during this challenging time.

How to Get a Loan if I’m Waiting on a Car Accident Settlement?

Are you caught in a financial bind while waiting for your car accident settlement? Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be stressful, especially when it comes to managing the costs.

If you’re in need of monetary assistance during this waiting period, understanding how to obtain a loan while awaiting a car accident settlement is crucial.

The financial strain can be daunting, from medical bills to vehicle repairs, but there are viable solutions available to ease the burden.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to secure a loan while awaiting a car accident settlement, providing valuable insights and practical tips to help you navigate this challenging time with confidence.

Understanding Car Accident Settlement Loans

The number of fatal car crashes in the United States has risen significantly. According to the latest data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA):

  • 35% of people killed and injured in vehicles were occupants of passenger cars
  • 27% were occupants of light trucks
  • 20% were pedestrians, pedal cyclists and other non-occupants
  • 14% were motorcyclists
  • 4% were occupants of large trucks or buses

Moreover, motor vehicle crashes are the second leading cause of death and severe injuries in the United States, and navigating the financial strain while awaiting a car accident settlement can be challenging, especially if you’re in recovery. In such circumstances, obtaining a settlement loan can provide much-needed relief.

Understanding the intricacies of these specialized loans is essential in making informed decisions about your financial options while you wait for the legal outcome of your car accident lawsuit.

What is a Car Accident Settlement Loan?

A car accident settlement loan is a type of consumer legal funding that provides financial assistance to individuals waiting for their car accident settlement. It is not a traditional loan, as repayment is contingent upon winning the case. If the case is lost, the borrower does not have to repay the loan.

Car accidents can cause significant financial strain, and victims may face mounting expenses while awaiting their settlement. A settlement loan can help alleviate this financial burden, providing funds to cover medical bills, living expenses, and other costs associated with the accident.

How Settlement Loans Differ from Traditional Loans

Settlement loans differ from traditional loans in several key ways. First, repayment is only required if the borrower wins their case.

Second, there are no credit checks or employment verifications needed, as the loan is based on the merits of the case rather than the borrower’s financial history.

Finally, the loan is paid back directly from the settlement funds, so the borrower does not have to worry about making monthly payments.

Benefits of Obtaining a Loan While Awaiting Settlement

Obtaining a loan while awaiting a car accident settlement can provide several benefits, including:

  • Financial relief: The loan can help cover expenses related to the accident, such as medical bills, vehicle repairs, and living expenses.
  • Avoiding a low settlement: With financial pressure reduced, borrowers can afford to wait for a fair settlement rather than accepting a low offer out of desperation.
  • No risk: If the case is lost, the borrower does not have to repay the loan, making it a risk-free option.

Qualifying for a Car Accident Settlement Loan

Qualifying for a car accident settlement loan involves specific criteria that applicants must meet. Exploring these qualifications and understanding the eligibility requirements is important for individuals seeking financial assistance during the interim period before their settlement is reached.

Assessing Your Case’s Eligibility

To qualify for a car accident settlement loan, your case must meet certain criteria. Lenders will evaluate the strength of your case, the expected settlement amount, and your attorney’s involvement. Generally, to be eligible, you must:

  • Have sustained injuries in a car accident that was not your fault
  • Have hired an attorney to represent you in your claim
  • Have a strong case with a high likelihood of success

Factors Lenders Consider

When evaluating your application for a car accident settlement loan, lenders will consider several factors:

  • Strength of Your Case: Lenders will review the evidence supporting your claim, such as police reports, medical records, and witness statements.
  • Expected Settlement Amount: The estimated value of your settlement will be considered, as this will determine the amount of funding you can receive.
  • Your Attorney’s Involvement: Having a reputable attorney representing you can increase your chances of approval and secure better loan terms.

Credit Score and Employment Status Considerations

Unlike traditional loans, car accident settlement loans do not require a credit check or proof of employment. Your eligibility is based solely on the merits of your case, not your financial history or current employment status.

This makes settlement loans accessible to a wider range of individuals, including those with poor credit or who are unable to work due to their injuries.

Applying for a Car Accident Settlement Loan

The application process for a car accident settlement loan can vary among lenders. Familiarizing yourself with the necessary documentation, application requirements, and the overall process is pivotal in pursuing this financial solution effectively.

Gathering Required Documentation

To apply for a car accident settlement loan, you will need to provide certain documentation to the lender, including:

  • Police Reports: A copy of the accident report filed by law enforcement.
  • Medical Records: Documentation of your injuries and treatment related to the accident.
  • Attorney Representation Agreement: Proof that you have retained an attorney to handle your case.

Choosing a Reputable Lender

When selecting a lender for your car accident settlement loan, it is important to choose a reputable company with experience in legal funding.

Research potential lenders, read reviews, and consult with your attorney for recommendations. Tribeca Lawsuit Loans is a trusted provider of settlement loans, offering competitive rates and transparent terms.

Submitting Your Application

Once you have gathered the necessary documentation and chosen a lender, you can submit your application for a car accident settlement loan.

The application process is typically straightforward and can be completed online or over the phone. Your lender will review your application and consult with your attorney to determine your eligibility and loan amount.

Understanding the Loan Agreement

If your application is approved, your lender will provide you with a loan agreement outlining the terms and conditions of your settlement loan.

It is crucial to carefully review this agreement with your attorney to ensure you understand the repayment terms, interest rates, and any fees associated with the loan. Ask questions and clarify any points of confusion before signing the agreement.

Why Choose Tribeca Lawsuit Loans

At Tribeca Lawsuit Loans, we specialize in assisting clients in obtaining the funds they require while awaiting the resolution or settlement of their pending legal cases.

Our company offers lawsuit loans, also referred to as legal funding or pre-settlement funding, which provide plaintiffs with a portion of their future compensation package to cover their current expenses.

Our team is spread across the United States and offers accessible settlement loans to plaintiffs nationwide. Regardless of whether you are situated in the Eastern, Western, Central, or Southern states, we are fully equipped to expedite the process of getting your money to you.

Over the years, we have successfully provided legal funding to individuals navigating through the often slow-moving legal system, and we are eager to extend our assistance to you as well.

Our compassionate team has received an outstanding 4.5/5 star rating on Trustpilot, which serves as a testament to our unwavering dedication to ensuring client satisfaction.

Low Rates And Fees: The terms of your funding arrangement will vary depending on the unique circumstances of your lawsuit. We offer the most competitive interest rate in the market for your pre-settlement loans.

Once we thoroughly review your application and communicate with your attorney, we will have a clearer understanding of the funding options available for you. We also utilize a flat rate instead of a compounded rate, ensuring transparency without any hidden fees.

Contact Us Now: If you or a loved one needs access to funds for your lawsuit, email us or call us at (866) 388-2288. We are always available to provide urgent assistance.

Receiving and Managing Your Settlement Loan

Upon approval, receiving and managing your settlement loan requires prudent financial management. Understanding the implications of the loan, repayment terms, and related responsibilities is essential for effectively utilizing the funds to address your financial needs while awaiting your car accident settlement.

Loan Disbursement Process

Once your loan is approved and the agreement is signed, the lender will disburse the funds directly to you. This process is typically quick, with many lenders offering funding within 24-48 hours of approval. The funds will be transferred to your bank account, allowing you to access the money as needed.

Using the Loan Responsibly

It is important to use your settlement loan funds responsibly. Prioritize expenses related to your accident, such as medical bills, vehicle repairs, and living expenses. Avoid using the money for non-essential purchases or investments, as this can lead to financial strain down the road.

Repayment Terms and Conditions

Repayment of your car accident settlement loan is contingent upon winning your case. If you lose your case, you typically do not have to repay the loan.

However, it is essential to understand the specific repayment terms outlined in your loan agreement. Your lender will usually receive a portion of your settlement funds, along with any agreed-upon interest and fees.

Your attorney will handle the repayment process, ensuring that the lender is paid before disbursing the remaining funds to you.

Alternatives to Car Accident Settlement Loans

While car accident settlement loans can be a helpful financial tool, they may not be the right choice for everyone. Some alternatives to consider include:

Personal Loans

Personal loans from banks or credit unions can provide funds to cover expenses while awaiting your settlement. However, these loans typically require a credit check and may have higher interest rates than settlement loans.

Borrowing from Friends or Family

If you have a supportive network of friends or family, you may be able to borrow money from them to help cover your expenses. This can be a more flexible and affordable option, but it is important to establish clear repayment terms to avoid straining relationships.

Legal Funding Companies

In addition to car accident settlement loans, there are other types of legal funding available, such as pre-settlement funding for other personal injury cases. These options may have different eligibility requirements and terms, so it is important to research and compare your options before making a decision.

Next Steps for Securing a Loan While Awaiting Settlement

If you are considering a car accident settlement loan, here are the next steps to take:

Consult with Your Attorney

Discuss the possibility of a settlement loan with your attorney. They can provide guidance on whether it is a good option for your case and help you understand the potential impact on your settlement.

Research and Compare Lenders

Research reputable lenders, such as Tribeca Lawsuit Loans, and compare their rates, terms, and reputation. Read reviews and ask for references to ensure you are working with a trustworthy company.

Carefully Review Loan Terms and Conditions

Before signing a loan agreement, carefully review the terms and conditions with your attorney. Make sure you understand the repayment process, interest rates, and any fees associated with the loan.

Only Borrow What You Need

While it may be tempting to borrow a large sum, it is important to only borrow what you need to cover your essential expenses. Borrowing more than necessary can lead to a larger repayment amount and reduce your final settlement.

Contact Tribeca Lawsuit Loans Now

When it comes to selecting a lawsuit loan provider, Tribeca Lawsuit Loans stands out as the best choice. With years of experience in the industry, our team of experts has a deep understanding of the financial challenges that plaintiffs face during legal proceedings.

We offer competitive interest rates and transparent terms, ensuring that our clients receive fair and affordable financial assistance.

By choosing Tribeca Lawsuit Loans, you can secure the financial support you need to pursue your legal claims without your financial stability.

If you or a loved one needs financial assistance to cover the costs of your lawsuit, contact us at 866-388-2288  now to learn about your legal funding options or send us a message on our secure online form.


How long does it take to receive funds after applying for a car accident settlement loan?

Typically, once approved, funds can be disbursed within 24-48 hours.

Will I owe anything if I lose my car accident case?

No, most car accident settlement loans are non-recourse, meaning you only repay if you win your case.

Can I apply for a settlement loan without an attorney?

While it’s possible, having an attorney significantly increases your chances of approval and securing better loan terms.

Are there any restrictions on how I can use the settlement loan funds?

Generally, no. You can use the funds for any purpose, such as medical bills, living expenses, or other financial obligations.

What happens if my settlement is less than expected?

The specific terms for this situation will be outlined in your loan agreement. You may receive a lower payout or need to work out an alternative repayment arrangement with your lender.

Can I qualify for a car accident settlement loan if I am unemployed?

Yes, your employment status does not affect your eligibility for a settlement loan. Approval is based on the strength of your case, not your current financial situation.

If you have been in a car accident and are awaiting a settlement, a loan from Tribeca Lawsuit Loans can provide the financial relief you need. Call 866-388-2288 to discuss your options and start the application process today.

How Much to Expect From a Car Accident Settlement

If you’ve been in a car accident, you’re likely facing a stack of bills, including car repairs and medical care. You may be unable to work or return to work for an extended period. Naturally, the question of how much money you can expect from a car accident settlement is at the top of your mind. Unfortunately, there’s no way we can blindly give you a dollar amount because car accident settlements have many variables to them. There is no “average” or typical car accident settlement amount. Each one has a unique set of facts surrounding fault, and each varies greatly regarding the injuries and “damages” they cause. So, there is no “average settlement for car accidents,” either.

Depending on the facts unique to your accident and assuming the other driver was at fault, you might receive a settlement ranging from a few thousand dollars to well over a million. Without first knowing the details of your case, we cannot tell you where in this range your settlement is likely to fall. However, at Tribeca Lawsuit Loans, we can explain the variables involved in settlements from car accidents to give you a better idea. We can also advise you on how to get the best settlement possible, even when you need financial support in the meantime.

What is a Car Accident Settlement?

A car accident settlement is an out-of-court agreement by the at-fault driver, their insurance company (or even your own insurance company), and their attorney to pay you financial compensation for the damages, pain, and suffering you experience as the result of the car accident. The settlement, or monetary award, should reflect what you would have received had you taken the case to court. Once you accept the offered settlement, your case is closed.

A car accident settlement does not require a court trial.

The goal of a car accident settlement is twofold:

  • Free up the court to tackle more complex cases.
  • Compensate you, the damaged party, for the physical, financial, mental, and emotional losses you have suffered.

A car accident can result in catastrophic injuries, whose repercussions can last a lifetime.

What Damages Do Settlements From Car Accidents Cover?

The repercussions of a car accident can be devastating. In addition to the damage to your car, you may suffer from a wide range of injuries that can run up exorbitant medical bills, impair your ability to work, and require long-term or even life-long care. While many people walk away from car accidents, some aren’t so lucky. Determining the severity of your physical injuries is a crucial part of determining the settlement from the car accident.

If you have suffered damages relating to a car accident and the other party is at fault, you are entitled to compensation for those damages.

To receive a settlement from a car accident, you must first enumerate and quantify the damages you suffered. Legal damages fall into two main categories: economic and non-economic.

Economic damages include anything that you had to pay money for. In the case of a car accident, economic damages may include:

  • Medical bills
  • Rehabilitative therapy
  • Hospitalization
  • Surgical care
  • Occupational therapy
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Vehicle repairs or replacement
  • Temporary transportation
  • Property damage

Non-economic damages that might result from a car accident include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Disfigurement
  • Disability
  • Loss of consortium
  • Punitive damages (rare in the case of a car accident due to negligence)

In some cases, these categories may overlap or blur. And in others, the same injury may be weighted differently for one person than the next. For example, if a car accident leaves you with significant scarring of your leg above the knee, how serious is this if you retain full use of your leg? The answer would be very different for a model than for a welder, and it would impact how much to expect from the car accident settlement. Successfully making a case for your damages and how severely they affect you is best done by an attorney.

The car accident settlement can cover all of the damages above, both economic and non-economic. The amount of the settlement from a car accident depends on the severity of the injuries and other damages you suffer.

Car Accidents and Injuries That Result in Large Settlements

While we cannot describe an average settlement for a car crash because the facts of each case vary so widely, we can address the types of car accidents and resulting injuries that typically lead to larger settlements.

Common types of car crashes that lead to severe injuries, and therefore large settlements, include:

  • High-speed collisions
  • Head-on collisions
  • Broadside collisions (T-bones)
  • Rear-end collisions

The primary factor determining the size of a settlement from a car accident is the severity of your injuries. Severe injuries resulting from car accidents are all too common. The injuries most likely to result in a larger settlement include:

Even if you don’t suffer the severe injuries listed above, your damages will include variables to be addressed in the negotiations for your car accident settlement, including:

  • Length of hospital stay
  • Cognitive, physical, and behavioral impairments
  • Recovery time
  • Interruptions in your ability to work
  • Rehabilitative therapy needed

Every financial expense and hardship due to the accident should be included in the settlement negotiations.

Who Pays the Settlement From a Car Accident?

If you have been injured in a car accident, the at-fault driver’s insurance company pays the settlement. While this is true, it is seldom so easy! If the driver is uninsured or if the maximum payments allowed by their insurance policy are lower than your total damages, you will have to look elsewhere for the settlement funds. If the at-fault driver is uninsured or under-insured, other possible sources for car accident settlements include:

  • Your own insurer, if you have uninsured or under-insured motorist coverage.
  • The at-fault driver’s personal assets (requires a lawsuit).
  • Another party responsible for the crash (e.g. the manufacturer of a defective car part or the party at fault for a driving hazard).

While having an attorney negotiate your car accident settlement is usually best, it is essential when the at-fault driver’s insurance doesn’t cover your losses.

Since I’m Fully Insured, I’ll Get a Good Settlement, Right?

Even if you and the at-fault driver are fully insured, with insurance payment maximums exceeding your damages, getting your full damages covered is likely to be a struggle. It’s in the insurance company’s best interest that your claims be denied or low-balled — it’s simple economics — and the insurance company’s investigators are fully aware of this.

The claim adjuster’s job is to settle your claim for as little money as you will accept.

In discounting your claim and the settlement from your car accident, the claim adjuster — the insurance agent who investigates your claim — may dispute the severity of your injuries, the necessity of your medical care and therapy, and the time you needed to take off from work. Furthermore, the insurance company is likely to drag out the settlement negotiations, hoping your financial circumstances force you to settle for far less than your claim is worth.

Should an Attorney Negotiate Your Settlement From a Car Accident?

The nature of the damages suffered due to a car accident can be complicated, and there are many issues you might fail to consider when totaling up your damages. A car accident attorney will know how best to evaluate the totality of your current and future damages and pressure the insurance company to investigate your claim and compensate you fully. Studies consistently show that claimants represented by an attorney secure far larger compensation.

How to Maximize the Settlement From a Car Accident

There are several steps you can take to get a better settlement from a car accident:

  • Seek medical attention immediately. Even if you aren’t bleeding and have no broken bones, a complete medical examination is necessary to determine related injuries. Some conditions, like a punctured lung or a concussion, may initially show no symptoms.
  • Contact a car accident attorney. Don’t wait to bring an attorney on board. There’s a statute of limitations on the time you have to submit your claim for a car accident settlement.
  • Consider legal lending to cover your immediate expenses. Legal lending, like car accident loans, act as a cash advance on your future settlement, giving you the money you need to pay your current bills.

At Tribeca Lawsuit Loans, we provide legal lending for car accidents and other forms of personal injury cases, among many others. “Lawsuit loans” (a common marketing term also known as pre-settlement funding) help you pay your current bills while you wait for your settlement. This funding counteracts the insurance company’s attempt to slow-walk your negotiation and force you to accept a lower compensation than you deserve.

[RELATED] What Is a Motor Vehicle Accident?

If you’ve been in a car accident and are pursuing a settlement with the aid of an attorney, we can help you meet your expenses while you fight for just compensation. Provide us with information about your accident and your attorney’s contact information on our Apply Now page. We’ll discuss your case with your attorney, outline how much you can expect to receive from your car accident settlement, and offer you a lawsuit loan.

We happily serve most states in our great country, including:

Alabama Car Accident Loans Alaska Car Accident Loans Arizona Car Accident Loans
California Car Accident Loans Colorado Car Accident Loans Connecticut Car Accident Loans
Florida Car Accident Loans Georgia Car Accident Loans Hawaii Car Accident Loans
Idaho Car Accident Loans Illinois Car Accident Loans Indiana Car Accident Loans
Iowa Car Accident Loans Kansas Car Accident Loans Kentucky Car Accident Loans
Louisiana Car Accident Loans Maine Car Accident Loans Maryland Car Accident Loans
Massachusetts Car Accident Loans Michigan Car Accident Loans Minnesota Car Accident Loans
Mississippi Car Accident Loans Missouri Car Accident Loans Montana Car Accident Loans
Nebraska Car Accident Loans North Dakota Car Accident Loans South Carolina Car Accident Loans Delaware Car Accident Loans

Applying for legal funding is free, with no obligations. We welcome your questions! Please contact us by phone at (866) 388-2288 or online. We’re here to help you get the settlement from your car accident that you deserve.


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Call us toll-free at 866-388-2288 to speak with a friendly funding specialists today.

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