Initially, it is virtually impossible to know how long a case will take to settle.
External factors, like problems that arise with the case or the inability of one or both parties to continue financing the lawsuit, can dramatically affect how long the lawsuit lasts.
Some cases settle in just a few months, while others can take years to resolve. Typically, a case settles early if a plaintiff is unable to borrow against settlement and can’t afford to continue with the lawsuit. Here are some factors that influence how long a case lasts.
Funding Availability
One of the biggest factors that affects how long a lawsuit lasts is the plaintiff’s ability to cover the cost of all legal fees. Considering that a lawsuit can cost up to $10,000 when all is said and done, many people think twice before calling a lawyer!
Others embark on a lawsuit without knowing the full cost of what they’re getting into. In the end, they accept an early settlement, often for a lower amount than what they should get, because they can no longer finance the case.
However, with personal injury settlement loans, also known as lawsuit loans, you’re in a much better position to keep the lawsuit going and get a favorable settlement.
Delays In The Proceedings
Sometimes, especially with personal injury cases, questions and doubts arise over the course of the lawsuit about who is liable (at fault) and whether or not the claimed damages resulted from the lawsuit. Sometimes, the nature of the case slows down the lawsuit proceedings, as it’s inherently more difficult to prove liability.
A good example is cases where injuries are reportedly linked to defective products. In this instance, an insurer usually won’t offer a settlement until the defendant can be clearly proven to be at fault. In personal injury lawsuits, a medical care provider may have trouble documenting that all injuries are a direct result of another individual’s actions.
A Case With High Stakes
In some personal injury cases, especially a direct lawsuit, the settlement will be delayed if the plaintiff seeks a large settlement. Insurance companies are reluctant to shell out cash if they don’t have to.
Therefore, they will take the time to analyze every aspect of your case before they make a settlement offer. In order to get a favorable settlement, you’ll need to prove the severity of your claimed injuries and show solid credibility.
A case with ongoing medical care complicates the case, as the case will end up having a lower settlement if the plaintiff fully recovers from sustained injuries. Learn more about what you can expect for your type of case here:
There are many factors involved in determining how much you can expect in a settlement and when the trial may end.
While you can’t predict certain factors from arising, such as the opposing party’s insurance company or lawyer questioning your information, you can at least secure funding through lawsuit loans to endure the wait and have a better chance of the case settling in your favor.