Think about what it would be like to get your settlement money early from your lawsuit. You don’t have to think. Make it happen with Tribeca Lawsuit Loans. Tribeca offers Savannah pre-settlement funding to people all across the country, including Savannah, Georgia.
It’s simple to apply for one, and risk-free to you. There are no hidden application fees, no weird interest rates, and no surprises. Our loan process makes it simple to understand what you’ll receive and what you’ll pay back once your lawsuit finishes.
How Lawsuit Loans Work for Savannah Residents
How does a lawsuit loan work? It’s best to think of them like a cash advance on your settlement. Assuming your case qualifies, we will loan you a certain amount out of your settlement. When you win your case, you pay us back out of your settlement plus interest.
Lawsuit loans can only get paid through your settlement. We cannot hurt your credit or dig through your other accounts to get more money. It’s a risk on our part, but we feel this is the fairest way to help plaintiffs get money to finish their cases.
What happens if you lose? We don’t get paid and you don’t have to pay us back. Tribeca takes on all the risk, and that’s why we require all borrowers to have legal representation before qualifying. We will interview your lawyer as part of the approval process.
Pre-Settlement Funding in Savannah
Does your lawsuit need to be in the City of Savannah or in Georgia to qualify? Not at all. Tribeca has a nationwide presence. You can have a lawsuit anywhere in the country and we can help you get a loan from it.
This also gives you extra protection. As a nationwide lender, we must follow each state’s rules on lending carefully, as well as comply with federal lending regulations. We take great care to explain our loans carefully and avoid shady business practices like some of our competitors.
In fact, Tribeca is a leader in establishing and following ethical guidelines for our industry. Lawsuit lending is still a new concept for many. It’s not just a matter of ethics, it’s a matter of survival for our business and industry to do it right!
How Soon Can I Get My Legal Funding in Savannah?
In as little as 24 hours after approval! You’ve already waited this long to get your settlement money, so why should you wait longer than you have to? Tribeca will make every effort to process your application as quickly as possible.
What could hold it up? Here are the three main reasons:
- We have trouble getting the information we need from your lawyer.
- There’s something in your lawsuit that requires more scrutiny before approval.
- You have a large loan coming and your transfer must wait according to large money transfer laws.
Most cases are simple enough that it will take just a few days from calling us to having the money in your account. Once you see how easy it is to borrow from your settlement with a lawsuit loan in Savannah, you’ll be glad you got started.
Apply Today for FREE to Get Your Savannah Legal Funding
All applications for a Savannah lawsuit loan with Tribeca are free! There is no risk to see how much you could get from your lawsuit right. To get money in your account ASAP, click the Apply Now button or call us at the number at the top of your screen.